Update on winter events:
I have some music playing in an installation by Raphaele Shirley in NYC opening 6 March at the Sylvia Wald & Po Kim Gallery. The show is open through 18 May 2024.
Here is Raphaele’s announcement of the opening:

Raphaele Shirley writes:
It’s almost show time @waldkimgallery . Upcoming “ Time is Light “ I’m exhibiting with @annafrants and @alexandradementi opening this coming March 6 from 6-8pm 417 lafayette street 2nd floor .
On my side “ 3 tone ephemeral” with original soundscape created with Rhys Chatham. Integrated into the piece his most elevated “Crimson Grail (G200)“ performed with approx 200 live guitarists at the Basilique Sacre Coeur of Paris in 2005 . For 3 tone ephemeral Rhys responds to “Crimson Grail” and to the receptacle of my light sculpture by creating recordings of himself playing solo flute, guitar and trumpet .
Rhys’ solos play in each light cube in lieu of his own presence, hence almost in person, separated by a few wavelengths of light .. Within the space of these transtemporal sounds the visuals resonate with frames of color. The mutual dynamics creating an echo chamber for the senses.
3 tone ephemeral was originally conceived as live performance element for 3by3by3 with Rhys and GH Hovagimyan.
Big thank you to Harvestworks for their generous support for the development of this idea. Thanks to waldkimgallery and odelettecho for the support and beautiful venue and opportunity to give this concept a physical presence.
Click here for WalkKim Gallery website
Solo concert @ La Mécanique Ondulatoire -Paris, FRANCE
We had a great time last night at La Mécanique Ondulatoire. I did a solo followed by Abstract Concrete (with Charles Hayward and Agathe Max amoung others).
Here are some photos of the show taken by my friend Sebastien Greppo:

This show took place on Saturday, 3 February 2024 to a packed house. It was the premier of a new set for me on (of course), electric guitar, alto and C transversal flutes, and (get this!) I crooned for the final movement of the set to the pounding rhythms of electronic dance music in a tribute to my beloved vocal master, La Monte Young.
Here are some more pictures from the evening by Isabelle Forestier:

To book this set, don’t hesitate to contact us at either Tippex Agency or rhyschathamnewsàyahoo.fr